If you’re looking for something to do, the Oxford Film Festival is next weekend, Thursday through Sunday, Feb. 9-12.
It’s one of those events that you ought to come out and support just because it’s in Oxford. With that said, I viewed a few of the films last year and really enjoyed them. My only complaint was that I thought the schedule wasn’t put together as well as it could have been. Essentially anyone wanting to see the Mississippi films was precluded from seeing many of the other films due to some 20-minute overlaps. In particular I wanted to see The Pruitt-Igoe Myth: an Urban History, but the schedule was set up to prevent moving from one track to another. Merely moving all the films in one of the tracks up by about 20 minutes last year would have allowed people to see more films of interest.
Last year I really enjoyed the Mississippi Innocence film as well as When Cotton Blossoms, a biographical feature on the founder of the Piney Woods School.
So what looks interesting this year? Clearly Holy Rollers: The True Story of Card Counting Christians is one to catch. Patriot Guard Riders features a motorcycle club which travels the country attending military funerals. Rhino Resurrected is the story of Rhino Records and a reunion of sorts that was held when that stores founder opened a new store.
The Mississippi Documentaries are what I’m most interested in, and I’m not alone. To see these get in line early. There is a 30-minute interview with Dean Faulkner Wells, which I predict will pack the house. I get search hits on my blog every week from people doing Google searches for her obituary, a portion of which I published, so there is interest in her story.
To Live and Die in Avoyelles Parish is a Southern Foodways Alliance film featuring a 30-hog roasting. Others include a feature on the Proud Larry’s music scene; Yocna, a feature on Yocna Bottom Farms; The Beacon, which features the restaurant; The Fifty-Nine Team, which looks at the personalities behind the 1959 Ole Miss National Championship football team, plus lots more.
There are lots of other films. I’ve just listed a few that look interesting to me. Everyone will have their own favorites.
For more information or tickets, visit the Oxford Film Festival website!
1 hour ago
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