Stokes Stays Put
6 hours ago
Note that the new loyalty oath was not one to the German state nor one to serve the German people. It was an oath to be faithful to Adolf Hitler, designated as the leader of the German people. By urging his supporters to place their hands over their heart and pledge to support him, in the same fashion that citizen's pledge their allegiance to flag and country, Obama comes perilously close to creating the same type of personality cult.
Diensteid der öffentlichen BeamtenIch schwöre: Ich werde dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes Adolf Hitler treu und gehorsam sein, die Gesetze beachten, und meine Amtspflichten gewissenhaft erfüllen, so wahr mir Gott helfe.Service oath for public servantsI swear: I will be faithful and obedient to the leader of the German empire and people, Adolf Hitler, to observe the law, and to conscientiously fulfil my official duties, so help me God!
I've noted before that America's unprovoked attacks on Libya are destabilizing the entire Middle East. Those who would overthrow the governments of Egypt (both old and new), Yemen, Syria, Iran, and yes, Saudi Arabia, look at the world's support for Libya's criminal rebels as a sign that they, too, shoud try to overthrow their governments. Much of the world's oil supply is in danger of disruption.Note that I wrote this almost 18 months ago. The war and destruction that is happening right now in the Mid-East is not happening by accident. If it isn't entirely the result of U.S. effort, it has certainly been fanned into a fire of violence by intentional U.S. actions. As a nation our goal is clearly to destabilize the entire Mid-East. The only question is exactly why we want to do this.
Nations act out of self-interest. For France, Britain and the United States to make the decision so quickly to seek sanctions and to attack Libya suggest some motive other than concern for that country's citizens. NATO's decision to use just enough force to keep the government from restoring order suggests a desire to forment a long-term civil war, which should keep the entire region in turmoil for some time, thus endangering the region's oil production.