If you don't believe Chancellor Dan Jones and Athletic Director Pete Boone are harming Ole Miss, just take a look at this ad, apparently placed by Delta State University. Delta State has been enjoying remarkable success with their Division II football program and is currently ranked first in the nation.
Jones is known for his remarkably uncivil discourse, which is harmful to the Ole Miss family. His refusal to do the right thing and either have Boone resign or fire Boone is harming not only the athletic program but the entire school.
The quality of a football team shouldn't matter when students decide where they will attend college, but it does. Everyone enjoys the thrill of victory. Ole Miss has been getting a remarkable amount of good press as the most beautiful campus and the best tailgating school in the nation. Unfortunately, Ole Miss was also rated as having one of the worst 10 football teams in the nation by ESPN.
Pete Boone is harming our school by his inability to manage an athletic program and his refusal to resign. Chancellor Jones is harming our school by his refusal to do his job and fire Boone and his uncivil behavior. While these two prance and bray like jackasses, the Ole Miss family -- and our football team -- continue to lose.
(Click on the photo, perhaps twice, to enlarge)

Surely you can tell that picture is photoshopped. Clever...but I doubt it ran in any paper.
Anonymous, I think you are probably right. I noticed the marks on the ad and thought it had to do with how the ad was scanned. The "ad" is going around by email and Facebook, but I think you are right that it hasn't run in any paper.
Unfortunately the points the ad makes are valid, and will be made repeatedly over then next year. That, combined with Dan Jones' reputation for uncivil behavior is going to cost Ole Miss some Mississippi students.
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