The top photo is of Barack Obama campaigning in Pittsburgh in October 2008. Since he never had really done anything to qualify himself to be president, he had never taken a position that would make anyone angry. As a state senator he tended to vote "present" instead of voting for or against legislation. The result was that Americans could imagine him to be whatever they wanted him to be. Oh, and they could prove to themselves that they weren't racist by voting for a black man. The public adored the man and multitudes turned out to worship him wherever he went.
The second photo is of Barack Obama campaigning in Pittsburgh a few days ago. He's now taken positions on things, and the doltish American public has suddenly realized that they voted for a far-left socialist when most Americans are slightly right of center. Most people want this disaster out of the White house. They still don't know who they want to replace him, but in the meantime they would rather stay home and rearrange their sock drawer than turn out to listen to another pablum-puking liberal make his case for more taxes and bigger government.
Does it bring to mind the saying attributed to Abraham Lincoln: "You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time."
Not known to many folks is that Ron Paul is not a "war mongering Texan," but a native of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. And a graduate of Gettysburg College and Duke University medical school.
Too bad that Paul could have not been there in Pittsburg with Obama to confront the Nobel Peace Prize laureate on his use of killer drones to attack folks in Africa--Obama's native Kenya is a launching pad for many of these attacks--Pakistan, Somalia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and according to Paul, targeting Americans for drone attacks.
And I always liked Ron Paul's "what could have been to prevent the deaths of 600,000 American" solution to the slavery question:pay the slaveowners for their "property" and set the slaves free. Paul's proposal on the slave question was not that orginal, as one of Lincoln's solutions was to propose a plan to pay "reparations" to the slaveowners. That idea was beat down by the Radical Republicans and the bible-thumping Abolitionists.
In Nathaniel Stephenson book, Lincoln and the Union, there is this quote from Lincoln, who with Seward met with the Confederate commissioners at Hampton Roads, Virginia:"An event which in its full detail belongs to Confederate rather than to Union history took place soon after this[a speech on the Thirteenth Amendment extended to ALL the States]. At Hampton Roads, Lincoln and Seward met Confederate commissioners who had asked for a parley with regard to peace. Nothing came of the meeting, but the conference gave rise to a legend, false in fact and yet true in spirit, according to which Lincoln wrote on a sheet of paper the word "Union," pushed it across to Alexander H. Stephens and said, "Write under that anything you please."
The fiction expresses Lincoln's attitude toward the sinking Confederacy. On his return from Hampton Roads he submitted to his cabinet a draft of a message which he proposed to send to Congress. He recommended the appropriation of $400,000,000 to be distributed among the slave states on condition that war cease before April 1. 1865. Not a member of the Cabinet approved. His secretary, Mr. Nicolay, writes:"The President, in evident surprise and sorrow at the want of statesmanshiplike liberality shown by his executive council, folded and lay away the draft of his message...With a deep sigh he added, 'But you are all opposed to me, and I will not send the message.'"
I think that General Robert E. Lee's ptohetic letter to Lord Acton on why he chose to defend Virginia and the Confederacy, trumps anything that Abraham Lincoln ever said:"I yet believe that the maintenance of the rights and authority reserved to the states and to the people, not only essential to the adjustment and balance of the general system, but the safeguard to the continuance of a free government. I consider it as the chief source of stability to our political system, whereas the consolidation of the states into one vast republic, sure to be aggressive abroad and despotic at home, will be the certain precursor of that ruin which has overwhelmed all those that have preceded it."
And as Ray Mabus leads our new mercenary Mississippi Rifles into mortal combat with ordinary Africans defending their homeland, we should think about our "aggression abroad and our despotism at home."
Prophetic letter, that is.
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