I'm been pawing through some old photos from a box that was in the attic at my grandparents' house. Most of the photos are duplicates of photos that are already floating around, but a few appear to be real treasures.
My dad also has a very large box of photos, many with no markings. Ye olde ancestors who failed to mark your photos, we are saying bad things about you! I found an entire photo album from the 1890-1910 era with only one photo marked with a name -- and I can't read the last name! It's funny, but in the 1900-era photos, people are posing with the fancy horse and buggies just as families did in the 1940s and '50s with their cars.
I found a photo of my grandmother, Lucy Karr Hurdle, with her siblings. "Mom" Hurdle died in 1977. She was a wonderful woman. Three of her grandchildren named daughters after her. I'll have more to say about my grandmother in a future blog post, and might even include her pecan cookie recipe. I never met her brother Benn, who was a pitcher for the Boston Red Sox and Cleveland Indians for about five years total, with another 15 years in the minors.
Aunt Cue aged more gracefully than any other woman I've met. Uncle Phillip remained in Mt. Pleasant and farmed successfully all his life. In his later years when his circulation got bad he sat in the corner next to a heater with it cranked up to about 120 degrees. He and Aunt Margaret were very nice to me when I was young, and by happenstance I stopped by for a visit a couple of weeks before he died. I only remember meeting Aunt Olivia once, at Uncle Jake's funeral. When she was about 60 the doctors told her she had a bad heart that was likely to give out any minute, but if she would take to her bed she might last another year or two. I think she lived into her 90s.
I'm glad someone took the time to write the names of everyone on the back of the Karr family photo. I recognized my grandmother, but I honestly wouldn't have been able to figure out who everyone else is. Label your family photos, folks!
JPD Deals with (Alleged) Bad Apple
3 minutes ago
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