There are accusations, which I believe, that House Speaker Paul Ryan and other top Republicans have been planning to sabatoge the presidential campaign of Donald Trump for weeks. The release of Trump's foul-mouthed tapes from years ago just hours before he was to appear at a rally with Ryan, and the coordinated response, is too convenient.
The finger is being pointed at Dan Senor, an advisor to both Ryan and 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney. Whether or not Senor was behind the release of the tapes, he has been active on Twitter urging journalists to use them against Trump.
In a conference call Ryan told Republican House members that he would no longer defend Trump, although he did not "withdraw" his endorsement. He did this the day after Trump absolutely slaughtered Hillary Clinton in a debate, in an effort to make sure that his campaign wouldn't recover.
This isn't a campaign of Republicans against Democrats. This is a campaign of Globalists against Americans, and the Globalists are doing everything they can to subjugate the American people. The GOP leadership really doesn't care which party controls government, so long as it is controlled by Globalists.
I don't particularly like Donald Trump; he is certainly an incredibly imperfect torch-bearer for the American cause. But he's what we have, and I support him. If enough Americans stand up and fight, he can still win.
I think several of the Republicans who were so quick to pull their endorsements from Trump are going to go down this November. I suspect McCain is toast, and I've love to see Ryan thrown out. I think New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte is a certain loser after pulling her endorsement. Good riddance!
There is a real possibility that after this election we could see the formation of two new political parties. The left wing of the Democrat party, consisting of socialists and welfare recipients, may break off and form an American Socialist party, leaving behind only a small number of global elitists who have been in control. Trump supporters are likely to leave the Republican Party to support an anti-war, American Nationalist party, again leaving behind a group of global elitists. Perhaps what is left of the Republican and Democrat party can then merge.
A lot of people refer to the Trump movement as a "white" Nationalist movement. This is an intentional slander. The Los Angeles Times poll shows Trump getting 15 percent of the black vote and 35 percent of the Hispanic vote, far and away more than either Romney or McCain received.
Nationalism is merely Citizenism, the belief that a nation exists to serve its citizens, not the interests of non-citizens or illegal aliens. There is no reason why law-abiding blacks or Hispanics would want to see their rights as citizens diluted by criminals any more than whites would. Nationalism serves all citizens.
Our duty now, as Americans, is to identify anyone who has intentionally sabotaged the campaign of Donald Trump and work towards their defeat. There really is no difference between a Globalist Republican and a Globalist Democrat, but I'd at least get some satisfaction from the defeat of Globalist Republicans.
Goodbye McCain, Ryan, Ayotte, and assorted other Judas-types.
Stokes Stays Put
7 hours ago
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