This has been the season of the race-baiting advertisement, with candidates or their supporters running some pretty reprehensible ads equating conservatism with racism. Some candidates are so extreme that they even aligned some themselves with attempted-cop-killer Michael Brown of Ferguson, Mo.
Among the worst race-baiters of 2014 (or those who declined to denounce race-baiting on their behalf) are Mary Landrieu of Louisiana, Kay Hagan of North Carolina, Michelle Nunn of Georgia, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, and Thad Cochran of Mississippi. These types of racialist campaigns harm our democratic system, and I hope voters will send these candidates a message today.
Hopes for Jackson
6 hours ago
You might want to checkout this link:Inside Russia
As to whom to nail to the cross for all the troubles in the ME, that crown of thorns goes to Ben Victor Cohen, who was FDR's chief braintruster and the architect of his war planning and skullduggery. A revealing book is Ben V. Cohen: Architect of the New Deal. It is published by The Century Fund(previously the Twentieth Century Fund). Available at Amazon: Check out the reviews. On the board of its directors is Hodding Carter, III. I'd heard that Hodding Carter, Jr. was the recipient of a stipend from that group for many years, and had always assumed that it was for keeping his mouth shut about the assassination of Huey P. Long. But his widow let the cat out of the bag when she appeared on PBS The American Experience episode and boasted of the Jews plan to Kill Huey. That clip is available on YouTube.
Ben Cohen, before his FDR years, was Chief Counsel for the World Zionist Organization at the 1919 Paris Peace conference where he brokered a deal with Lord Balfour to grant deed and title of the Palestine territory to the Jews. The Brits had agreed to the "transfer of the indigenous Arabs of Palestine to Iraq." Along with Cohen at the "make Germany Pay" event was Chaim Weitzman, Julian Mack, Louis Brandeis, Felix Frankfruter...etal. The Zionists had delivered on their claim to have convinced(bribed) Wilson to intervene. Al Jazeera has the best documentary of the Nakba available on YouTube.
Ben Victor Cohen
Ironically, Cohen went on to draft Civil Rights laws and regulations during the 1960s.
Sorry, Colonel, The correct link to Inside Russia.
Another nail in the coffin of the Nobel Peace Prize laureate... from the Atlantic Monthly.
Which is worst, Anderson's comment that Sherman did not burn down the South enough, or Crispin's comment that not enough Southerners died at Gettysburg? Obviously, both cut from the same cloth as Ben and Pike.
Btw, that link that was to be that of the Russian Insider was a mistake. It was not my point to deceive you. I wish you had an edit option.
Thread-comment winner from the UNZ Review Blog:
Pinch Sulzberger does try hard to exude an air of waspish ivy league refinement.
Adelson and Saban buying the NYT would be like Al Czervik buying Bushwood Country Club.
I can see the first Adelson/Saban NYT headline now.
What’s Wrong With You Obama, You Big Shmushka? Nuke Tehran Now!
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